Diamondback Terrapin Hatchling Show & Tell @ Skidaway Island State Park, Savannah

Diamondback Terrapin Hatchling Show & Tell

You’re invited to a free show & tell about Diamond Terrapin hatchlings @ Skidaway Island State Park in Savannah.

The program will be Sat. Sept 21, 11AM @ the Interpretive Center. See hatchlings & hear about the Skidaway Audubon Diamondback Terrapin Rescue Project Learn more about the Skidaway Audubon Diamondback Terrapin Rescue Project here.

Please note the time change on Sept. 21. This program will now be 11AM-Noon 

Free & open the public. Parking: $5.


Skidaway Island State Park is a SouthernMamas.com advertiser

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